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Why animated explainer videos are effective for businesses

21 January 2023

Why animated explainer videos are effective for businesses

An explainer video is a brief animated video that explains a product, service, or concept clearly and concisely. Businesses often use these videos to present their products or services to potential customers, and they are highly effective for several reasons.

  1. Easy to Understand

    First and foremost, explainer videos are compelling because they are easy to understand. They use simple language and clear visuals and often include catchy music or sound effects to keep the viewer engaged. These benefits make explainer videos an effective way to communicate complex concepts or ideas that the general public understands.

  2. Visually Appealing

    Explainer videos are visually appealing. They use colorful graphics and animation to capture the viewer's attention and hold it throughout the video. Making videos stand out is especially important in today's fast-paced digital world, where people's attention spans are shorter than ever. By using an explainer video, businesses can quickly and effectively convey their message to potential customers without overwhelming them with too much information.

  3. Shareable

    Besides being easy to understand and visually appealing, explainer videos are also highly shareable. Viewers often share these videos on social media and other online platforms, which helps increase the video's reach and bring it to a broader audience. A wider audience can benefit businesses looking to increase brand awareness and generate leads. By creating a shareable explainer video, companies can leverage the power of social media to reach a larger audience and drive traffic back to their website or sales page.

  4. Versatile

    Finally, explainer videos are compelling because they are versatile. Businesses can use these videos in various settings, including on the company's website, email campaigns, trade shows, or other events. Their versatility makes them a valuable tool for any business to communicate its message to a broad audience. Explaining a complex product or service or simply showcasing the company's values and mission, explainer videos provide a versatile and effective way for businesses to reach their target audience.

In addition to being a powerful marketing tool, many companies use them for training and onboarding new employees. By using animation and clear explanations, businesses can easily communicate important information and processes to new hires in a way that is easy to understand and retain. This clarity can improve employee productivity and reduce the time and resources spent on training.

Companies also use explainer videos to explain complex processes or systems to customers or clients. For example, a software company may use an explainer video to demonstrate how to use their product, or a financial institution may use an explainer video to explain the process of obtaining a loan. An explainer video can help alleviate confusion or uncertainty and improve the customer experience.

It's important to note that not all explainer videos are created equal. For an explainer video to be compelling, it needs to be well-produced and engage the viewer from start to finish. Businesses should invest in high-quality animation and clear, concise scriptwriting to ensure that their explainer video communicates their message effectively. A poorly-produced explainer video can do more harm than good, so investing in quality production and storytelling is essential.

Overall, explainer videos are valuable for businesses looking to communicate their message to potential customers effectively. By being easy to understand, visually appealing, shareable, and versatile, explainer videos are an excellent choice for businesses seeking to explain their products or services clearly and concisely.

Whether for marketing, training, or customer support, explainer videos provide a powerful and effective way for businesses to reach and engage their target audience. In addition to being a powerful marketing tool, many businesses and companies opt to use explainer videos for training and onboarding new employees. By using animation and clear explanations, businesses can easily communicate important information and processes to new hires in a way that is easy to understand and retain.

Check out some compelling examples of Animated Explainer Videos here